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Robert Nye is an exceptional lawyer with absolute integrity and honor.

-Consuelo K.

Mr. Maines made me feel like I was his first priority.

-Bane V.

Mr. Nye has gone far above and beyond my expectations.

-Kytra M.

Charlotte Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

There are few things worse than learning that someone you love has been injured or killed after suffering abuse or neglect from the nursing home facility you chose to care for them.

The Charlotte nursing home abuse lawyers at The Nye Law Group understand your pain and frustration and can help you determine if you have grounds to file a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit. Our accomplished team has recovered multiple verdicts and settlements for victims of nursing home abuse. We are committed to fighting for the rights of the elderly and helping them get justice. Schedule a free, no obligation consultation today to discuss your loved one’s situation. We work on a contingency fee basis and charge you nothing unless we recover compensation for you.

Get started by calling 855-856-4212 today.

How The Nye Law Group Can Help

The Nye Law Group has a strong record of recovering compensation in nursing home abuse cases, including:

  • $500,000 settlement for nursing home abuse
  • $50,000 settlement for negligent care of a resident during transit

With every case we accept, we dedicate our time and resources to taking on negligent individuals and healthcare providers who have caused harm to an innocent individual. We do this by:

  • Investigating the situation and obtaining evidence through medical records, resident files, photos of the injuries and living conditions, and witness statements.
  • Talking with nursing home supervisors to inform them of the situation and make sure they are cooperating in the investigation.
  • Pursuing the maximum compensation your loved one deserves.

Nursing homes may try to hide any errors or mistakes that could have harmed your loved one. Our Charlotte nursing home abuse lawyers are experienced in investigating these types of claims and uncovering any wrongdoing on behalf of the nursing home or its staff. If they have caused your loved one harm, we will work to hold them accountable.

Learn more by completing a Free Case Evaluation form.

Holding Nursing Homes Accountable

If it can be proven that a nursing home or one of its employees acted negligently or intentionally in causing your loved one harm, it may be possible to hold them accountable. Some situations in which it may be possible to hold a nursing home liable include:

  • Inadequate training – In situations where staff are not trained appropriately to handle certain situations or to provide appropriate medical care for a resident, the nursing home may be held accountable if an injury occurs.
  • Negligent hiring – Nursing homes have an obligation to hire staff who are properly qualified with the appropriate level of education and a clean background check. This ensures residents’ safety and access to quality care.
  • Understaffing – When a nursing home has a low staff-to-resident ratio, residents may be neglected and may not receive the level of care they need.
  • Medication errors – When a nursing home employee makes a mistake when administering or prescribing medication to a resident, serious harm can result.
  • Third-party responsibility – Abuse can be carried out by nursing home staff, another resident, a visitor to the facility, a family member or a stranger. Because nursing homes are required to provide a safe and secure environment for their residents, they may be held liable for harm that is inflicted upon a resident by a third party.

No matter your situation, our Charlotte nursing home abuse lawyers will investigate the situation surrounding your loved one’s injuries to determine the exact cause and who should be held liable.

Click to contact our Charlotte nursing home abuse attorneys.

Types of Nursing Home Abuse

In North Carolina, vulnerable adults such as those living in nursing homes are protected from abuse and neglect by the Protection of Abused, Neglected or Exploited Disabled Adult Act.

Under this act, abuse is defined as the willful infliction of physical pain, injury or mental suffering; unreasonable confinement; or willful denial of an elderly individual of services that are necessary for maintaining mental and physical health. This can include:

  • Physical abuse – Bodily abuse can include any type of physical harm against a resident, including the use of constraints. It can also include force-feeding and overmedicating.
  • Emotional Abuse – Mental abuse in a nursing home can include verbal reprimands, insults or threats. This can also include isolating or manipulating a resident to the advantage of the nursing home staff, including instilling a fear of asking for assistance or help.
  • Sexual Abuse – Sexual abuse can occur in nursing homes if an elderly individual is tricked or forced into unwanted sexual contact. It can also include situations in which the victim is too weak or ill to provide consent.
  • Financial exploitation – It is illegal to improperly use an elderly person’s resources. This can include stealing cash; illegally gaining access to an elderly person’s bank accounts or other assets; cashing checks without the owner’s consent; forcing a resident to sign documents signing over their assets, property or power of attorney; or tricking residents into signing a will.
  • Neglect – Elderly nursing home residents are entitled to basic necessities, such as food and water, appropriate hygiene, medical care, and a safe environment. If a caregiver or nursing home fails to provide any of these, or other needs, they may be held liable for the harm that is caused to the nursing home resident.


These are some of the most common forms of abuse and neglect nursing home residents experience, however, it is not a comprehensive list. If you suspect your loved one is being abused or neglected, do not hesitate to report it and contact our Charlotte nursing home abuse attorneys to learn more about your legal options.

Find out if you have a case by calling 855-856-4212.

Warning Signs of Abuse and Neglect

Nursing home abuse and neglect can sometimes be difficult to detect. When visiting a loved one in a nursing home, you should always look for these warning signs of abuse or neglect:

  • Unexplained bruising or injuries
  • Poor hygiene
  • Dehydration
  • Malnutrition
  • Bedsores
  • Emotional withdrawal or other changes in behavior
  • Sudden, unexplained financial changes
  • Changes to attorney of power or the elder’s will

If you suspect that something is wrong or are unsure about why your loved one is acting in a certain way, you should not hesitate to tell management. If they cannot provide an acceptable response or if nothing changes, you should alert the proper authorities to a possibility of neglect or abuse.

Reporting Nursing Home Abuse

If your loved one has suffered physical injuries because of abuse or neglect, you should immediately call 911 and alert the nursing home staff. Your loved one’s health is the number one priority.

You should also report the abuse to one of the following services:

  • File an official complaint with the North Carolina Division of Health Service Regulation. You can submit your complaint by calling our office or completing the free case evaluation form below.
  • Report the abuse to the local Department of Social Services in the county where your loved one lives.
  • Call the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services CARE-LINE at 1-800-662-7030.

You should keep a detailed log of every problem you have detected on every visit to the facility. The more detail you can provide, the better.

If you have not already filed a complaint, our Charlotte nursing home abuse attorneys can walk you through the process and help make sure the proper authorities are alerted. We are here to assist you in helping protect your loved one. We will communicate directly with the nursing home and investigators on your behalf.

Complete a Free Case Evaluation form.

Contact Our Charlotte Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys

If you suspect your loved one has been harmed because of the negligence or poor care of a nursing home facility, you should not hesitate to contact our Charlotte nursing home abuse attorneys as soon as possible to begin exploring your legal options.

In North Carolina, you only have three years to file a personal injury lawsuit and two years to file a Charlotte wrongful death lawsuit. Do not miss out on your opportunity to get justice and compensation for your loved one.

Your initial consultation with our firm is always free and there is no cost for hiring our experienced attorneys. Because we work on a contingency fee basis, we charge no fees unless you recover compensation.

Call 855-856-4212 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form.



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CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Throughout the Southeast

402 West Trade Street,
Suite 112
Charlotte, NC

704-285-6319 get directions

119 Southern Boulevard, Savannah, GA 31405

912-200-5230 get directions

402 West Trade Street,
Suite 112
Charlotte, NC

704-285-6319 get directions

119 Southern Boulevard, Savannah, GA 31405

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