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Robert Nye is an exceptional lawyer with absolute integrity and honor.
-Consuelo K.Mr. Maines made me feel like I was his first priority.
-Bane V.Mr. Nye has gone far above and beyond my expectations.
-Kytra M.The last thing you want to do when you are receiving medical care is worry about your safety. It is an unfortunate reality that sometimes medical professionals make mistakes. These mistakes can have grave consequences. If you were injured due to an act of negligence by a healthcare professional, you may have a case for a medical malpractice lawsuit. You may be eligible to receive compensation for your injury.
Making a strong case for a medical malpractice lawsuit requires a thorough comprehension of the laws that apply to medical care in the state of South Carolina. Hiring an expert lawyer will help ensure that you have the best possible case for receiving compensation. Our team of attorneys at The Nye Law Group have the knowledge and experience with medical malpractice cases to provide you with the necessary guidance.
The goal of a medical malpractice case is to prove that you suffered due to another party’s act of negligence, making that party liable for your injury. In the instance of a medical malpractice case, you are trying to prove that a medical professional whom you were receiving treatment from made a mistake or acted in a way that caused you harm. As with any lawsuit, the evidence you provide in a medical malpractice lawsuit will dictate the outcome of your case. Our attorneys will perform the necessary investigation into the incident that resulted in your injury in order to create the strongest case possible for you.
It is important to remember that medical malpractice cases are time-sensitive. The statute of limitations for a medical malpractice case is three years in the state of South Carolina. This means that you need to file your claim within three years of the date that the malpractice occurred in order for your case to make it to court.
In order to file a medical malpractice lawsuit in the state of South Carolina, the victim is required to provide the court, as well as those who are to be sued, with a “Notice of Intent to File Suit.” This needs to state all medical care providers who are going to be sued along with the victim’s reasons for requesting compensation. Additionally, the victim needs to get a medical expert to create an “Affidavit of Expert” stating at least one instance in which the medical provider exercised an act of negligence against the victim.
After these two items are filed, there is a period of 90 to 120 in which the individual making the medical malpractice claim and the party being sued must attempt to come to an agreement before the suit goes to court.
If you or a loved one has fallen victim to medical malpractice, you may have a case for getting legal compensation for the damages that you have received. At the Nye Law Group, we have the resources and the expertise to help you through this difficult time. Call us at (912) 200-5230 for more information about your options.
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